Affiliate commission for only certain products.

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by osail, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. osail

    osail New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Im thinking about building a product store and i want it to be a membership service. ill be hosting multiple products and other things like that.

    But this is what i want. i want a commission for all my affiliates who have people sign up as members, and also to be able to add a commission for one or two unique products in the store for that one particular product.

    So to put it simpler,
    AFFILIATE A, gets a commission for bringing in members, and also get a commission for when product A is purchased, but not for Products B or C.
    But can Get a commission for product D when it is added and he is allowed to get a commission for it.

    i know that might take some affiliate tracking software, but i dont know where to look, or if there is any other solutions that can be solved in amember.

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