Hi! I have a website set up with a sales page at the root: www.MySalesPage.com My protected area is a forum and is located at: www.MySalesPage.com/forum (protected by amember). How do I configure the affiliate link to take people to the sales page and not the amember section? (It's currently set to send them to www.MySalesPage.com/amember/signup.php !). Thank you!
Can you send someone to a squeeze page with a different domain from an affiliate link? For instance, can you generate an affiliate link that sends someone to www.squeezepage.com, then have that squeeze page redirect to the sales homepage of the site? Thanks! Jason.
Yep, it should cookie them on your domain1, then redirect them to the squeeze, then when squeezing, get sent back to domain1 to record it. David
Thanks David, I just signed up for your academy. Looking forward to getting through all the material. I was wondering if you had any info on affiliates and amember. I am trying to figure out a way where a specific affiliate can have their code direct the user to a custom landing page other than the homepage. Is this something that has to be set up separate from the affiliate program in amember? Can you help me figure this out? Thanks Jason.
Hi Jason, Can you post this on my forum and I'll answer it there? Thinking it would use a redirect based on the affiliate cookie. David