Hey - thanks for your help. I hope this is a simple question with a simple answer. Other affiliate programs offer the opportunity for you to send visitors to specific pages by adding the URL - examples below: EasyClickmate: http://www.justaddsweat.com/ezGaffurl.php?offer=showmom&pid=3&u=www.yourdomain.com/specialpage QuickSales: http://easyplr.com/go.php?af=794477&u=www.yourdomain.com/specialpage Does aMember allow the same activity and what's the extension code prior to the URL if that's the case? Thanks
Sorry - it shortened the URLs. The piece I'm interested in is: EasyClickmate: &u=www.justaddsweat.com/ QuickSales: &u=www.easyplr.com
You can set the redirect in the amember affiliate setup for the banner/link. You set what the redirect is. David
URL redirect I understand that. I'm trying to get around that. I'm hoping that I can also handle differently like most other affiliate programs today. If you have an affiliate link with a suffix like "&u=http://domainame.com, then the affiliate can actually send the user to any page on your blog instead of having to set up a new redirect every time. That's what I'm after. Hope that makes sense.
Edit go.php and add this code: PHP: if(!$link && $_REQUEST[u]) $link = $u; $link = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $link);header("Location: $link"); so this part will work: &u=http://domainame.com
Alex... Could you explain where in go.php that code goes? I put it at the beginning and the end, and it didn't work in either case. Thanks!
Alex - just FYI, this didn't work for us. I had to hire a coder to modify it to make it work. Simple for him, but I don't code so I don't have a clue. I would LOVE to see this feature added - especially if it's this simple. David
can you share the modification that your coder made to help others as well as to have Alex and team confirm the change.
Did this option ever get added to any new releases? I could really use this option for my affiliates as they are really asking for it. THANKS!
Hi, this is an old post - but it's still very relevant. Many of my affiliates want to send their visitors to various pages on my website, such as the events/workshop page, a specific article, etc. - not just the home page. I haven't figured out how to do this either. I've looked for go.php, but I can't find it anywhere. Please explain which folder it's in and where do insert the new code. David, could you post the contents of your modified go.php so we could use it also - many thanks in advance.
It seems the latest version of aMember provides an alternative approach. It's a bit convoluted, but it seems to work: 1. In Setup/Configuration - Affiliates - Miscellaneous, check "Allow redirecting to external URLs" and "Enable Click Tracking Code" 2. Copy/paste the click tracking code at the end of the sites pages just before the </body> tag. I use Joomla, so it meant modifying the index.php file for the particular template I am using 3. Go to each of your affiliate members (search using "assigned to user group" in advanced search) and select Yes to "Allow Affiliate to redirect Referrers to any URL" in the Affiliate Program section. 4. The affililate must then ensure that every link to your page must end in "?ref=affid", e.g. http://yoursite.com?ref=usr123 5. You can then go to each user and check out Affiliate Info / Statistics to see the links to your site from the affiliate's page(s). I don't think the manual has been updated to explain all this. I'm not sure of some of the settings and nuances, so hopefully a staff member will elucidate in time...