There has been a fair amount of conversation about Google's interpretation of affiliate links as "paid links". The fact that this is being debated as true or not leads one to believe that simply adding a nofollow to your affiliate links would demonstrate an earnest effort not to game the system. That said, is it possible to include a relationship tag of nofollow on the affiliate links created by aMember? It does not appear to be possible in the native interface, the user manual makes no mention of it. Any help and/or guidance is appreciated.
Thanks David, updating lines 44 and 56 of the amember/aff.php file with the below before & after code successfully worked. $l['code'] = "<a href=\"$l\">$l[title]</a>"; $l['code'] = "<...e_url]\" border=0 alt=\"$alt\" $wc $hc></a>";