Affiliate program pay out. Do you file 1099 to those you pay?!?

Discussion in 'Integration' started by fanmoney, May 6, 2009.

  1. fanmoney

    fanmoney New Member

    Apr 12, 2009
    Let's say you have an affiliate member on your website who earned about $500 worth of commission for referring customers to your website.

    How does the tax work with amember affiliates? Are you required by law to file a 1099 to those that you pay? When I recieved an affiliate commission check from, they sent me a 1099 and report to the IRS how much money they paid me.

    Do I have to do the same for my affiliate marketers?

    Thanks much,

  2. bswooden

    bswooden New Member

    Feb 24, 2009
    i am not a tax professional by any means, but i think if someone makes more than $600 from a single source they are required to file it with the IRS and the person paying is required to 1099 the person getting paid

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