I'd like to enable the affiliate option but not have it open to everyone. Many of my customers work for big organisations and don't have their own websites, so they wouldn't be interested in an affiliate programme. However, I'd like to give various partner organisations the chance to be involved. Rather than display the link information on the log-in page, could I just email them a link to follow? If so, what would be the address of the link they could follow to sign up? (Perhaps any link would need to be generated by the aMember CP?) I'd be happy to add some links via the aMember CP, and then copy the link addresses into an email. I hesitate to do this in case I couldn't then remove the links from the log-in page. If I did it this way, where would I find the generated link code? best wishes Dave
Dave, you could do the following: edit file amember/aff.inc.php and remove lines return array($config['root_url']."/aff.php?action=enable_aff" => "Advertise our website to your friends and earn money"); then fell free to enable affiliate features of aMember - there will be no links displayed on member.php However, if you manually enable a member to be affiliate (aMember Cp->Browse Users), he will see all necessary links.