Affiliate signup mail when the Affiliate signup type to be approved by Admin

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by seishindo, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. seishindo

    seishindo New Member

    Apr 10, 2011
    We have set up an Affiliate signup type: "only admin can enable user as an affiliate". Now when some apply's signup for the affiliate he receives the following mail:

    =================================================================From: Admin Email
    Subject : Site title your signup is pending
    To: The applicant

    Mail content:

    Dear First name last name,

    Thank you for subscribing!

    We review all payments manually, so your payment status is pending. You will receive email when your
    account will be approved. Thank you for your patience.
    Best Regards,
    site title


    I want to change the content of this mail template but could not find the mail template in setup/ Configuration>> affiliates Tab or E-mail tab.

    Where do i find this template in admin dashboard so that I can change the content of E-mail templates.


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