Hi, I am currently planning for making my affiliate program live. I will also be distributing coupons. Let's say I set my affiliate commission at 50% for a $200 product. I also create a coupon giving a 50% discount for the same $200 product. What happens if an affiliate refers that customer AND gives them the coupon? How does amember compute this in my affiliate commissions that I owe? The buyer only pays $100 at 50% off of a $200 product, AND I pay out 50% commissions for the $200 product. Will amember calculate the commissions I owe as $100 or $50 (50% of the ACTUAL amount paid to me minus the coupon)? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
aMember pays commission based on purchase amount, not on product price. So it will be 50% from $100, not from $200.
Great, thanks for the quick response. Another question popped up while working. I have both free and paid memberships to my website. If a customer is referred by an affiliate and initially signs up for a free membership, but then later decides to upgrade within the specified time period we set, will the affiliate be rewarded for the additional sale later on as well? So Affiliate refers Customer. Customer signs up for free membership. One month later customer buys a product that costs $100. Does the Affiliate get credited for the $100 sale also? This is how I planned to advertise my program, however I wanted to make sure amember works this way, thanks!