We imported around 12,000 users from an old system. And about 8,000 of them already have recurring billing. We are in our test stages now and the rebills are going through extending subscription all that is going great but they are all recieving emails as if this was their first payment. Amember shows a previous payment... the new payment has the correct " RENEWAL_ORIG" ID. I don't understand why these users are getting the new signup email. Does anyone know why they would be getting the new signup email and what can I do about it.
Did you import payments as well? Did you set previous payments to be active? Also what email user receive exacty? From amember CP -> Setup -> Email -> Send Signup Message -> Edit Template?
After looking into this a lot I think the problem is No user is getting the variable "signup_email_sent" set to 1 in the data field in the amember_members table. Is there a easier way to set this field for all users? Other than writing a script that pull in each user unserialize's the data then serializes it and updates the database?
I wrote a script to take care of the new user email problem it was that variable I talked about... but another problem I am having is all users after imported are marked as "Pending" instead of "Expired" on the amember admin homepage? Why is that? and how can I fix it? They are all marked expired if i use the search users feature. (I have already rebuilt the database) Any ideas? Thanks a lot for your help!
Hmm, it seems that data field got corrupted somehow in ammeber_members table. Please contact us in helpdesk we will check what can be wrong.