ALL members showing subscription expired - no one can login

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by kriss, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. kriss

    kriss Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    A couple of days ago I switched DNS info for my domain (all records the same on the name servers). Everything works fine on my site except that aMember no longer logs members in for some reason. ALL active members are now seen as expired. I've tried various settings but can't seem tot get it to work.

    This is a MAJOR problem for me as I"m now in the position now of having to offer refunds to new signups and have closed registration down. This problem is now costing me hundreds of dollars a day and is devastating for my reputatoin. I contacted Alex and received one email back email a couple of days ago but nothing since. It's now Friday in North America so I fear I won't hear anything for another two to four days.

    Can any other customers shed some light on this issue?

  2. kriss

    kriss Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    Update. The main issue has been fixed. Some of the salt info in wp-admin.php had been changed so the communication between aMember and wordpress was shut down.

    There was another issue with the page protection that was kicking users to the expired page. I shut that page protection down for the time being while I look into it but it's working for now.

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