All set up - some questions

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by tarynike, May 10, 2013.

  1. tarynike

    tarynike Member

    May 1, 2013
    My site is set up and running, and I have some questions on some things I'm seeing - not sure if things are right and set to rebill correctly. :) (and sorry for the long post here - I tried to compile my questions so as not to bombard the forum with a bunch of them one after the other).

    This is a membership site, so my products are membership levels.

    First question: there is an annual fee of $125.00, and in addition to that, a $50 application fee. So, I set it up as recurring, with first price at $175.00 with first period of 1 year, and second price at $125 for second period at 1 year. Is this set up correctly, so that it will bill them $175 on signup, and then every year after that, bill them $125?

    Second question: will this also automatically rebill them all each year, or how do I make sure that part is set up?

    Third question: my import list included a field for payment amounts from their old system. I'm now discovering that the old system wasn't kept up to date, so there are a lot of members that had zero entered into the payment field. What happened on import is that these users of course show "Never" for payment, but what concerns me is that on my Dashboard, they're showing as Active(Free). When I access their profile, it says "Paid", there's just no invoice or payment info. They are correctly enrolled in the right product with the right expiration date. The question is this - since they're showing as Active(Free), will the system still rebill them the annual second price at expiration, or since it shows "Never" for payment, will the system bill them the first price?

    Fourth question: I really need a way to see a list of all the users with which product/membership level each is in. The Advanced Search on the Browse Users screen does enable me to get a list of users in each product, but that takes a while. Is there not a way to get one big list of all the users with a field that shows which product they're in?

    Think that's it for now. Thank you for your help. :)
  2. everbatim

    everbatim aMember Pro Customer

    Dec 19, 2007
    I'm not a part of the aMember team, but since no one has answered you yet I figured I would chime in to help, and if I am wrong someone will fix me.

    1st question: yes, you set that up correctly.
    2nd question: yes, as long as you have setup a payment method that allows for automatic rebilling and you have setup your CRON job properly. When in doubt, look under UTILITIES menu then click credit card rebills, which should show your rebilling schedule.
    3rd question: I'm not real positive on this one because it's a series of imported records with no price. My gut feeling is that they are not setup for auto rebill because your price is set to zero, which doesn't match the rules, and since it was imported you probably don't have their card info on file yet. Again, this one I am NOT clear on entirely, so get Alex in Admin to clarify.
    4th question: Not that I have found, and I've got a ton of weird searches that I have done to gather the info I need. Remember that with an advanced search you can SAVE the search criteria for use the next times around. So once you get your lookup the way you want it, save and name the search so that next time you want to look them up you just have to click the saved search and load it. That method works PERFECTLY for me, and it IS dynamic, so it always gives you the most updated results.

    Hope that helps until admin can reach you!
  3. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    What payment system are you using?

    3rd question, really hard to say without seeing the backend and database of your site.

  4. tarynike

    tarynike Member

    May 1, 2013
    Thanks guys! Everbatim, I hadn't thought of saving my searches - duh. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

    David, I'm using PayPal, so in Utilities, nothing is showing for credit card rebills. I can't remember now, but I think I saw somewhere that PayPal will handle rebilling? I'm not sure what to do with the credit card rebills? Or do I use the credit card thing at all? ("thing" being the technical term, of course).

    Are you saying you'd be able to look at something on my backend and tell if rebills are set up right? Cool - what would you need to be able to do that?

    Thanks so much!
  5. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    If you are using paypal regular- they handle the rebillings so amember wont have too much on that.


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