I have a few items on my Sign-up page that do not require a description (http://patterntrapper.com/amember/signup.php). I would like to tighten up the appearance on this page by alleviating the blank space where the description would normally be placed. How do I do this?
For this you need to edit /amember/templates/signup.html this block : Code: <tr> <th>#_TPL_SIGNUP_MEMB_TYPE# *</th> <td> {foreach from=$products item=p}. {if count($products)>1} {if $config.select_multiple_products} <input class="required" type="checkbox" id="product{$p.product_id}" name="product_id[]" value="{$p.product_id|escape}" {if in_array($p.product_id, (array)$smarty.request.product_id)}checked="checked"{/if} /> {else} <input class="required" type="radio" id="product{$p.product_id}" name="product_id" value="{$p.product_id|escape}" {if $p.product_id == $smarty.request.product_id }checked="checked"{/if} /> {/if}{* end if $config.select_multiple_products *} {else} <input type="hidden" id="product{$p.product_id}" name="product_id" value="{$p.product_id}" /> {/if}... <label for="product{$p.product_id}"><b>{$p.title}</b> ({$p.terms})<br /> <span class="small">{$p.description}</span></label><br /> {if $p.price <= 0.0 } {assign var="paysys_id_not_required" value="1"} {/if}........ {/foreach} </td> </tr>
Thank you Alexander. With your suggestion, my limited knowledge of programming and lots of Googling I found that changing <span class="small">{$p.description}</span></label><br /> in your above designated code snippet to {if ($p.description ne '') } <span class="small">{$p.description}</span></label><br /> {/if} does exactly what I had intended. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! Bob