As a english person, i read left to right and up to down like i guess 30-40% of the world. So why is amember seem to be alligned wrong in text files after reporting it in support. It should all be "LEFT" not right or centre a confirmation email will be sent to you at this address NOT as above why have lengh on its on and no text wrap around and right not left needs addressing please.
It just takes a bit of CSS styling to iron that one out. It's been aligned like that forever, and I see where the idea came from (right align the text, left align the input fields, so they are close together, for stylish approach).
I suggest to add one small css rule to file site.css Code: .am-form div.element-title { text-align: left; } It should solve your issue.
so far some is ok and some not * Choose a Username it must be 6 or more characters in length may only contain letters, numbers, and underscores may only should be up ?