I'd like to have a couple check boxes for 2-3 different newsletters on the signup page, but cannot figure out how to change the signup.php / signup.html to allow this. Any ideas? Current there is just this code: Code: {if $newsletter_threads > 0} <tr> <td><input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="to_subscribe" value="1" {if $smarty.request.to_subscribe}checked="checked"{/if} /><p class="mailinglist">JOIN THE MAILING LIST</p> </td> </tr> {/if} It seems to look for if there is a thread and then allows the user to check it to sign up - yet I have two newsletters and there is no way to know which one they are signing up for. Not even sure what variable is being passed that ID's the newsletter. I think the value="1" refers the checked status of the box... could be wrong. Any help? Thanks!