I am a noob at this so please bear with the stupid questions and wrong vocabulary. I have a Wordpress blog at a website that has both English and Japanese pages. A button switches between the two English and Japanese sides and each blog has its own database. I have set up amember with an amember wordpress plugin and it points to the English page fine so English blog readers can login to the amember site from the English Wp page without problems. But how do I do this for the Japanese side? In the amember wordpress plugin setup there seems to be only one "path" to the wordpress page. If you know a pointer/link to a step-by-step description for a complete novice, it would be a big help. Thanks.
So as I understood you need to setup second wordpress plugin for second blog? If so ou can do this: 1. copy /amember/plugins/protect/wordpress/* to /amember/plugins/protect/wordpress1/* 2. Rename wordpress1/wordpress.inc.php to wordpress1/wordpress1.inc.php 3. Then in all files within wordpress1 folder find & replace "wordpress" to "wordpress1" Then you should be able to enable second wordpress plugin in amember CP -> Setup -> Plugins
Alexander, In the last instruction 3. Then in all files within wordpress1 folder find & replace "wordpress" to "wordpress1" Do you mean open the config.inc.php and wordpress1.inc.php files and change every mention of "wordpress" to "wordpress1" ? So for example, in the config.inc.php file: <?php if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) die("Direct access to this location is not allowed"); $notebook_page = 'WordPress'; config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'WordPress Integration'); if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__)."/readme.txt")) config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm); global $protect_wordpress; add_config_field('protect.wordpress.other_db', 'WordPress Other Db', 'select', "use custom host, user, password for WordPress database connection?", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(-1 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'), 'default' => -1 )); add_config_field('protect.wordpress.db', 'WordPress Board Db and Prefix', function_exists('amDb') ? 'dbprefix' : 'text', "database name (if other database) plus WordPress <br /> tables prefix, like <i>wordpress.wordpress_</i><br /> here WordPress database is <i>wordpress</i> and tables prefix is <i>wordpress_</i><br /> after change click SAVE twice", $notebook_page, array(&$protect_wordpress, 'check_db_settings_for_setup')); // adds MySQL user, password and host config fields $protect_wordpress->add_config_items($notebook_page); add_config_field('protect.wordpress.secret_key', 'WordPress SECRET_KEY', 'text', "Your WordPress SECRET_KEY from wp-config.php (Only for version 2.4 and 2.5)", $notebook_page, ''); add_config_field('protect.wordpress.version', 'WordPress Version', 'select', "Your WordPress version", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array('23' => '<=2.3', '24' => '2.4', '15b' => '2.5', '26'=>'2.6'), 'default' => '24' )); add_config_field('protect.wordpress.auth_key', 'WordPress AUTH_KEY', 'text', "Your WordPress AUTH_KEY from wp-config.php (Only for version 2.6 and higher)", $notebook_page, ''); add_config_field('protect.wordpress.secure_auth_key', 'WordPress SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'text', "Your WordPress SECURE_AUTH_KEY from wp-config.php (Only for version 2.6 and higher)", $notebook_page, ''); add_config_field('protect.wordpress.logged_in_key', 'WordPress LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'text', "Your WordPress LOGGED_IN_KEY from wp-config.php (Only for version 2.6 and higher)", $notebook_page, ''); add_config_field("protect.wordpress.is_ssl", 'SSL connection', 'select', "Do Wordpress work via SSL?", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array('0'=>'No', 1=>'Yes'))); add_config_field("protect.wordpress.default_access", 'Default WordPress role', 'multi_select', "users will be reset to these roles<br />if no active subscriptions exists<br /> Use CTRL key + mouse click to deselect item.", $notebook_page, '', 'wordpress_unserialize', 'wordpress_serialize', array('options' => $protect_wordpress->get_groups())); add_config_field("protect.wordpress.default_level", 'Default WordPress level', 'select', "users will be reset to this level<br />if no active subscriptions exists", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(''=>'', 1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>4, 5=>5, 6=>6, 7=>7, 8=>8, 9=>9, 10=>10))); function wordpress_serialize($field,$vars,&$db_vars) { $fname = $field['name']; $val = ( isset($vars[str_replace('.', '_', $fname)]) ) ? $vars[str_replace('.', '_', $fname)] : array(); $val = serialize($val); $db_vars[$fname] = $val; } function wordpress_unserialize($field, &$vars) { if (!is_array($vars[$field[name]])) { $vars[$field[name]] = ($vars[$field[name]]) ? unserialize($vars[$field[name]]) : array(); } $val=$vars[$field[name]]; if ($field[type] == 'multi_select') $multi=1; if (!isset($vars[$field[name]])) $val = $field['params']['default']; $options = ""; foreach ($field['params']['options'] as $k=>$v){ $k = htmlspecialchars($k, ENT_QUOTES); $v = htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_QUOTES); $sel = ($multi ? in_array($k, (array)$val) : $val == $k) ? 'selected' : ''; $options .= "<option value=\"$k\" $sel>$v"; } $multiple = $multi ? 'multiple' : ''; $fname = $multi ? $field[name]."[]" : $field[name]; $size = $multi ? min(10, count($field['params']['options'])) : 1; $result = "<select name=\"$fname\" size=$size $multiple> $options </select> "; $result="<tr><th><b>$field[title]</b><br /><small>$field[desc]</small></th><td>$result</td></tr>"; return $result; } ?> Every mention of WordPress or wordpress become WordPress1 or wordpress1, so for example, the line: function wordpress_serialize($field,$vars,&$db_vars) { becomes function wordpress1_serialize($field,$vars,&$db_vars) {