aMember and Moodle

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by snhonline, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. snhonline

    snhonline aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 8, 2008
    We recently upgraded from aMember Pro 3.X to 4.X (latest version) and upgraded Moodle from 1.X to 2.X (also latest version). One problem we are having is that when people go to Moodle, the system, because of increases in security, forces them to change their Moodle password.

    However, as far as I understand, Moodle doesn't talk to aMember, so the new password is not being passed back to aMember. I would have everyone go through aMember first and change their password, but apparently Moodle will still force another PW change the first time they log in, so that doesn't solve the problem. We are going to have users with different PW on aMember and Moodle.

    I can see this creating a number of problems, with the main one being that no one will remember both passwords. Also, I don't know if the two systems will have trouble communicating if a person's PW is different. Obviously new users won't have this problem, but our 4000+ current students will. They log into aMember to purchase additional courses.

    Does anyone know a good workaround for this other than telling people to change their password on aMember once they have changed it on Mooodle?
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Better workaround will be to disable password change requirement in Moodle.
    If necessary, we have a plugin for aMember that will require that.
  3. snhonline

    snhonline aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 8, 2008
    I don't think it can be disabled, but I could be wrong? I will ask our Moodle guy. What does the plugin do and how do I get it?

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