Amember Features With Bb Plugin?

Discussion in 'Integration' started by neo, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. neo

    neo Guest

    I figure the account lockout on multiple logins (sharing accounts) does not work with the BB plugin. Am I wrong?

    The feature I am referring to is:
    Is there a way I can put an include into the Invision Board login funciton to call an Amember script to perform this check? I would like for my users NOT to share accounts!

  2. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    yes, it didn't work (unless you protect your forum with htpasswd_secure). Our policy is to don't change
    other applications code, so it cannot work at all.
  3. neo

    neo Guest


    Can't I just put that functionality into a php file and include it in the IPB code? I'm not asking that you do it, but I'm asking what code to I need to do this check with?

    I don't like the idea of users sharing accounts.


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