amember file downloads not working with latest Android devices

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by mreininger, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. mreininger

    mreininger New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
    I tried this with two different installations of amember and in the latest stock browsers or Chrome of devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S III or the Nexus 4, Nexus 7 devices from Google you can not download any files from protected areas.

    You can also not stream html5 video. I opened a ticket and your support staff looked into it but suggested me to use a different html5 video player... even though I used the video object that works perfectly fine if its not used in a protected area.

    Also just regular file downloads do not work anymore.

    1. If you run a site with amember please test this and report back. I still have the hope it might be something with my server settings but I doubt it. (I tested this with two different amember installs)

    2. Isnt there a way to rework the new rewrite that it somehow works with Android again? It did work on older versions of Android. I understand that the problem here is mostly Android but the users dont care... and we have a mobile optimized site that now doesnt work for Android users...

    Please look into this.

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