My first question is where (or how) do I determine what the correct API URL and API Key are? Also, I already have members that were added manually to amember but are paying via Infusion. What happens when I get this integration setup and the first cron job is run? Will I end up with duplicate members? Jodie PS This plugin needs much better documentation.
API URL and Key should be provided by Infusion support. In regards to existing users, aMember will try to find users by email first, so if you set users with the same email address as in Infusion duplicates will not be created.
I got the plugin installed and the API Key and API url setup. The problem I a having now is that when I go into edit a product I can see the Infusion Soft Access option but there is nothing to choose there. How and what should be there?
There is definatly something going on with that plugin. When it is active my entire aMember cpanel slows way way down to the point of almost being unable to do anything. The error logs shows alot of errors related to plugin/protect/new_rewrite/login.php?v=-any&url. Are there any plugins that conflict with this? Is there a problem using this with an older version of aMember as the client currently has 3.0.9Pro.
Im having the same issue, nothing to select in dropdown menu on the edit product subscription page. The error I see repeatedly over and over in the logs is: XMLRPC Error - -32304 : transport error - HTTP status code is 404 (not found) What have I not done right?
Alex, I'm experiencing the same issue. I've enabled the plugin twice, and both times it has brought my system to a crawl. It literally takes 45-60 seconds to load a single page, so it's difficult to disable it again. I haven't checked the error logs, but I'll do that now.
I found the error. When I copied the API Key from Isoft, I had accidentally pasted the text "Encrypted Key: " into the API Key field. I removed that- leaving only the key- and the problem appears to be solved.