aMember Install Migration to VPS Hosting. Help Needed

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by kroopa, Jul 17, 2012.


Have You Ever Successfully Migrated Amember From One Hosting to Another Hosting, without hassles?

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
  3. Only With Amember Support

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  1. kroopa

    kroopa Member

    May 2, 2012
    Actually, I want to migrate amember installation to a different hosting (vPS).

    I want all my customizations and amember setup including the folder structure to be similar as is in the present vPs hosting.

    I checked the manual, but I am not clear with that.

    So, I request you to help me migrate my amember installation to a different VPS
  2. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    Is this with the same hosting company? If so they will probably do this for you.

    If you do this yourself and both old and new servers have cPanel you can set cPanel to transfer the site.

    To transfer sites manually then suggestion would be:

    A. Grab complete copy of your current installation
    1. Copy your current site, FTP, to local drive.
    2. Backup database, I use SQLyog here, to local drive.

    B. On new server
    1. Within cPanel, add new database named the same as original
    2. Add user, with same username and password
    3. Upload copy of site (1. Above)
    4. Restore backup of old database to new one
    5. TEST and TEST AGAIN!!

    You might encounter slight problem connecting to database in which case check aMember config contains correct details such as host etc.

    Remember if you are changing hosts there could be a delay of 24 hours or so whilst the various DNS servers are updated where some people might access old site while others will access the new. Might be a problem if people join on the old site - they will not have access on the new.

    There are simple ways around this so the transfer will seem almost transparent and very little downtime.
  3. kroopa

    kroopa Member

    May 2, 2012
    thanks, I am moving from to a different VPS.
    By 'copy your current site' you mean that I need to download the entire 'public_html' folder containing my amember installation, am I right?
  4. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    Whatever you want running on new server has to be transferred but, as said before, if both hosting packages use cPanel this can be accomplished through cPanel.
  5. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    This is not a problem. In fact I do this at least once or twice a a month when reproducing client's environments in my development servers.

    You need to back up your files (everything in your public_html) as well as backing up your database (PHPMyadmin).

    In your new environment you will restore the backed up files and database as well as making any changes to your aMember configuration in case the database name, userid or password has changed.

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