aMember is running very slow on a cloud server even after I increase the php memory limit to 512M. The user doesn't not seem to be affected by this slowness issue, however, on the backend, I'm getting a very slow response time even on the dashboard. When I'm searching users by the activation data (Search Users > Search by Date/Search Type), for example, I don't get any response for almost a minute and the server times out. I would like to know if is there any thing that we can do to resolve this issue besides cleaning the database. Thanks, Adriano
1. Let me know what exactly aMember version have you running? 2. Consider installating PHP opcode cache, like Xcache. 3. memory_limit setting does not increase speed of execution. 4. to avoid script timeouts change max_execution_time setting in php.ini . Do not make it unlimited, it may kill your server 5. If you have spare memory in your instance, it is possible to increase MySQL in-memory cache to get database working faster. 6. Cloud server does not mean quick server. For example, a cheap EC2 instance is LOT slower that usual office PC was in year 2007. Its disk storage is very slow and it makes MySQL databases running very slow. There are different solutions - like buying faster instance + configuring "raid" disk storage, but the conclusion is - if you need just one server, use normal webhosting instead - cloud hosting is more expensive, and anyway works slower.