Amember New Features and Productivity Improvements = Awesome Stuff

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by relapse, Aug 28, 2017.

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  1. relapse

    relapse aMember Pro Customer

    Jun 15, 2010
    Amember is extremely flexible and the features + improvements are coming in a great way.

    I just upgraded to 5.3.1 the ability to make bulk changes has saved me alot of time because I have lots of pages and products + other small changes that make things easier:


    1. bulk access permission changes (pages, products, videos and links)
    2. adding new permissions to new products (automatically lands at last product added-no more scrolling forever)
    3. text editor seems to be much improved (no more weird behavior of elements disappearing for no reason)
    4. + new plugins for even more flexibility

    This membership software is BY FAR more flexible and complete than any other membership software I have looked at over the years, including Wishlist, Optimizepress, DAP and many others I also own and have tested.


    Take a couple of days to get to know the software.

    It will help you learn how to use the incredible flexibility Amember offers and make you a better marketer.

    It also helps with understanding support and realizing how amazing support can be to you when you need it.
    caesar likes this.
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