My users have signed up and when they pay for subscriptions using PayPal, aMember doesn't add them automatically as paid users. I have to manually add all of the users as paid. The email in aMember CP > Setup > Paypal is the primary email in my PayPal account. I do not see anything in the Error Log about IPN dumpings or anything like that. This is very urgent.
I am getting something similar with Clickbank. A lot of customers get added automatically, but a handful do not. Have not been able to find out why by questioning the customers. I wondered if there was some known issue with firewalls?
Your problems is COMPLETELY different. There can be 3 problems about clickbank: - users don't click continue link after payment, so aMember has no chance to know if payment has made; - some users pay you directly via clickbank (not starting from aMember signup page), so aMember again has no chance to know them; - you don't have return url configured correctly for some your products;