I'm about to buy either aMember or vbulletin and my intention is to automate and give paid subscribers access to a forum (currently use phpbb) . . . I read that aMember has lots of extra features over vb. Can any users or admin add more specifics on those extra features? Much appreciated! I'll start the list: aMember pros: -protecting static HTML content (don't both methods protect content by only showing it to members? Sorry I'm a noob) -creating customized reports (what reports do YOU find useful?) -don't have to manually upgrade to paid member (as w vbulletin I think) -allow trial period before billing (don't think avail w vb) - - vbulletin's user manager paid subscription pros: -it's a built-in solution -- more seamless Thank you!
More aMember +'s 2 tier affiliate program protection of content from hotlinking, mp3s, pdfs etc.. multiple payment plugins David