aMember Pro 3.0.1 (beta) released

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by alex, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    RELEASE TARGET: bugfix release

    CHANGES SINCE 3.0.0:
    - cron.php has been changed to call itself via curl when called from
    command line;
    - long products list in new_rewrite replaced to "any" (cosmetic);
    - added ability to open any generated PDF invoice from amember/member.php
    NOTE - invoices are not saved, but generated online based on current
    payment information stored in database;
    - payment plugins language files moved from amember/plugins/payment/language/
    to main language file ( amember/language/LANG.php )
    - a bug fixed in newsletters subscriptions module - upgrade necessary
    if you are using it;
    - templates/ reverted to plain English, because
    correct internationalization of this message is impossible yet;

    Please read previous post

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