aMember Pro 6.3.10 released

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by caesar, Jan 25, 2022.

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  1. caesar

    caesar aMember Pro Developer Staff Member

    Oct 16, 2009
    The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.10. This release contains fixes and improvements.
    6.3.10 2022-01-25 18:44:18 +0400
        Improve compatibility with php8
        Set session name explicitly in order to Am_Lite can work in any environment (eg.: 3rd party script uses different session name)
        Ability to translate unsubscribe text/html added
        Enable CRAM MD5 authentication method for SMTP. (the only method allowed by Kirim email service)
        feat(ui): ability to choose Week Starts On for calendar UI element
        feat(admin-ui): Debug Log - segregate info messages to separate section
        feat(admin-ui): Ability to filter admin log by admin
        feat(pdf-invoice): Ability to configure size of logo
        feat(storage): New Storage Plugin: StackPath (
        feat(helpdesk): use ticket subject for page title
        feat(pcloud): Add Europe Data Center Support
        feat(cart): support for image/webp for product picture
        feat(reports): Active Users by Product Categories
        feat(auth): option to Allow Not Approved Users to Login
        fix(vat): need to pass item when recalculate tax for subsequent payments (different items can have different rate)
        fix(ui): do not display cancel link in Active Subscriptions widget for not recurring items in recurring invoice
        fix(wp): properly get siteurl when multisite enabled
        Rest API: key IP check changed to "starts with" check instead of equal. Allow to specify values like: 127.0.
        REST API: Ability to query for saved forms
        Bug fixed - import of encrypted passwords
        Bug fixed - onSubscriptionChanged was not called for setGroups from Hidden User Group Brick, so integrations did not work right
        Locked Group fixed for integration plugins
        Fixed: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=#
        Credit Card Rebills - filter fixed
            Aweber Plugin: Tags support added
            Aweber plugin updated to work with Oauth 2.0
            GetResponse bug fixed - API v3 has no response body for 202 status
            CenPos payment plugin added
            JazzCash payment plugin added
            Myghpay payment plugin added
            feat(paysys): New Payment System: Sisow (
            Netbilling: allow use previous order# for rebilling existing customers
            Stripe - show/hide card field if new/existing card is selected
            Self-Service - admin permissions fixed
            feat(self-service): User Mass Actions - Self Service Credit/Debit
            Access By Publish Date - links added
            LifetimeBp fixed do not throw error for manual access records
            SubscriptionLimit plugin fixed to respect CreditCard signup form bricks
            feat(serials): serial batches introduced
            feat(sales-popup): ability to choose sort order for notifications (Random|Chronological|Reverse Chronological)
            feat(softsale): abiliaty to manage postion of License menu item in user menu
            feat(subusers): ability to include parent_id to user export
            feat(cookie-notice): ability to choose text color in plugin configuration
            Discord - groups integration fixed
    Your suggestion for future version is welcome!
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