aMember Pro 6.3.11 released

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by caesar, Mar 17, 2022.

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  1. caesar

    caesar aMember Pro Developer Staff Member

    Oct 16, 2009
    The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.11. This release contains fixes and improvements.

    Change required PHP version to 7.4 or higher.

    6.3.11 2022-03-17 11:56:52 +0400
        Change required PHP version to 7.4
        feat(admin): ability to clear all cache data from admin interface
        feat(admin-ui): refunds user grid column
        feat(bruteforce-protector): add ability to include login type (ADMIN or USER) to admin email notification
        feat(payment-email): ability to send email only for first or only for subsequent payments in recurring subscription
        feat(newsletter): New Newsletter Plugin: Sendinblue (
        feat(rest-api): user-notes endpoint
        feat(theme): ability to sort social item links
        fix(email): internal php mail (php8) - incorrect new line to separate headers leads to incorrect format of mail
        fix(newsletter): route to ajax controller
        fix(report): Average Lifetime Value: it always used now for end date for cohort
        Improve compatibility with php8
        MailQueue - updated to send emails by 5mins cron
            feat(cloudpayments): handle recurring plan with lifetime second period
            feat(paysys): New Payment System: Luxon Pay (
            feat(paysys): New Payment System: Webpays (
            ShurjoPay: rewrite plugin to use new API
            CCBill - updated to handle datalink and cancel for subaccounts from product settings
            feat(fastspring-contextual): handle cancel webhook
            fix(aweber): retrieve all lists (pagination)
            Aweber plugin: do not require for client to create developer account
            fix(sendfox): retrieve all lists (pagination)
            Self-Service: admin permission fixed
            SunSub updated to work with latest
            Baremetrics integration
            feat(invite): ability to set limit of invites per user per month
            Default Product Plugin: Fixed bug duplicate signup emails in some situation
            feat(brick-upgrade): ability to set upgrades to show within brick configuration
            ThanksPage plugin - payment placeholder added
            Access By Publish date - folders support added
            Access By Publish date - exact period added
            fix(notification): respect option dont_close (show notification) even if user previously dismiss notification (when option was dont_close disabled)
    Your suggestion for future version is welcome!
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