aMember Pro 6.3.4 released

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by caesar, Apr 20, 2021.

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  1. caesar

    caesar aMember Pro Developer Staff Member

    Oct 16, 2009
    The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.4. This release contains fixes and improvements.

    6.3.4 2021-04-20 12:02:38 +0400
        feat(admin-ui): Addons: Hint to check Addons Directory if Nothing found in My Plugins section
        feat(report): Payments by payment system breakdown: ability to run report for selected payment systems
        feat(admin-ui): Mass Action to assign template (Pages/Videos)
        feat(buynow-button): improve UX: allow to put coupon code on signup form to avoid unnecessary second step
        feat(admin-ui): add column with number of active users to grid with archived products
        feat(aff): New payout Method: Coin Payments
        feat(wp): compatibility with supermarket theme
        feat(theme): ability to add Login/Logout link
        fix(ui): password indicator - proper width when used custom font (font loaded later and change width of input element)
        fix(admin-ui): Mass action change order for email templates (special case)
        fix(newsletter): add free subscription (if configured) if user signup from other than signup form source (eg.: social signup, added from admin interface etc.)
        fix(i18n): translations for product categories in shopping cart
        fix(form): removeElementByName need to check form deeply
        fix(report): compatibility with PHP 8 (float + string trigger Fatal Error)
        ConvertKit tags support
        Facebook - ability to add few products after login
        Am_Protect_Databased - fixed supergroups if user email address is changed
        jQuery click event fixed for mobile devices
            Razorpay - recurring added
            Clickfunnels - free trial fixed
            Networkmerchants-hosted - refunds added
            Netbilling - allow to charge using reference(for imported transactions)
            Stripe - fixed bug - The provided PaymentMethod was previously used with a PaymentIntent without Customer attachment, shared with a connected account without Customer attachment, or was detached from a Customer
            fix(paypal-plus): handle shipping fee
            fix(flexpay): saleID is same for all upcoming transactions but we need unique value
            fix(paysys): Cardinity, incorrect amount format if amount more than 1K (number_format use thousands separator)
            feat(paysys): New Payment System: LexPay (
            feat(paysys): New Payment System: Copecart (
            Epoch - ETS parameter bug fixed
            Woocommerce payment plugin added
            feat(aff-lead): new option Show Products - allow to display only defined subscriptions
            fix(aff-lead): search by Active Subscriptions field
            feat(discord): Advanced User Search Condition: Discord Login
            feat(upsell): option to keep qty from conditional product
            MaxMind Plugin updated to work with latest API
    Your suggestion for future version is welcome! You can submit feature request here:
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