Amember Pro + Community Builder + Joomla

Discussion in 'Integration' started by eklipse, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. eklipse

    eklipse New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
    Hello everybody. I'm working with a Amember Pro , I downloaded a demo and I installed Joomla 1.5.22 along Community builder and a plugin integration between CB y Amember Pro.
    So far so good. The integration seems it's working fine.
    I'm very new with both products so I'm apologize if I do some idiot questions, but I'm struggling with some concepts that scape me.

    I enabled a product who uses coupons.

    I will try to make the questions in the best way I can (i'm apologize for my English, by the way).
    The goal is to have a good integration between Joomla an Amember Pro.

    1-How to make a form in Joomla to add the coupon code, invoke amember somehow and catch if everything went ok (or wrong)?
    Maybe this is the wrong approach to the problem, any suggestions are welcome.

    2-I have a product under a folder on the host. I'm very confused about the protection and ACL in Joomla. I understand the concepts, but I'm not clear what I have to do to protect the content in a 'integrated' way.

    Maybe an example could be better:
    I'm protecting the folder using Amember. If a user has a membership, when he wants to access to the product from the joomla site, he has to enter user & password (again, because the user is a valid registered user). The membership works, but I fail to integrate in a better way.

    3-It is not clear to me if an ACL plugin in Joomla will protect the content, so Amember protection will be useless.

    4-It is possible to change a user from registered to another group (let's say 'silver member') when it's coupon is accepted? The idea is to have a restricted group to the membership users (I don't know how to do this, but it is an idea)

    5-How do I detect in Joomla if a user has or not an active subscription? In this way I would show content depending it's status.

    Thanks for your help.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Unfortunately I don't think that it will work the way you need if you will use CB.
    CB plugin works different way then other plugins, it will not add users to Joomla and can't change user's groups in Joomla depending on purchased subscription.
    With regular Joomla plugin + JACL you will be able to setup different permissions for content inside Joomla. aMember will handle payments and signups and assign correct permissions to Joomla users. (Also change permissions when user will upgrade) Also you will be able to use aMember protection in order to protect folders outside of Joomla.
  3. eklipse

    eklipse New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
    Thank you Alexander your answer clarifies me a lot
    By the way, is there any other options than JACL? JUGA? noixacl?
    Is there a link to the last version of joomla plugin?
  4. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Currently only JACL is supported, but this is possible to modify plugin and include support for other.
    In regards to latest version of plugin, please contact us in helpdesk.

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