Coupon Gifts I just remembered another integration we would love to see, actually I should call it an enhancement since coupons are already integrated. I've had members ask me if they could purchase a membership subscription as a gift for a friend or family member. Currently the process is a bit of a hassle as Paypal credits the paid subscription to the person making the payment and I have to manually set up the new membership. The enhanced feature would allow members (or non-members) to purchase a "coupon code" as a subscription and then give this 1 time use coupon code to their friend or family member. The friend or family member would then set up their own "paid" membership by entering the coupon code during signup. Not only would this be easier on current members as well as the admin but it would actually generate more sales.
Direct support for Amazon S3 is on the Road Map for 4.2. You can view the Road Map here. You should be able to log in with your aMember username/password, but sometimes you have to request this info.
Thanks for the reply Grant. I read that Amazon S3 will be incorporated into 4.2... but it would be EVEN sweeter to have a GUI for members to download, view, play, edit, etc any of files on the S3 server (assuming they have the correct permissions that is).
aMember will include its own S3 browsing/upload/sharing implementation. We are already working on it.
Drupal v6.x if not already supported. I haven't setup a test server for version 4.x yet, but I probably will soon.
Drupal is already supported. But plugin was developed for v7.8 so I'm not sure that it will work for v6. Anyway we will fix it if there will be any issues.
I know that Drupal 7.x is different than 6.x, I'm just not sure how much different. I won't find out until I go to test it. I'll let you know if there are any problems.
I dont understand, in member page i can now purchase joomla plugin .. however in the road map it says joomla integration due 02/15/2012 ???
It was originally put on the Road Map for 4.2 but was released in on Dec 12 with Version 4.1.8 I suspect it is a duplication error and they will be removing it from the 4.2 Road Map.
Yes there were two tasks created for Joomla plugin by mistake. Now both were updated and have implemented status.
i have arp autoresponseplus plugin for v3 but i guess it doesnt work for v4 yet would be great to have an update
Yes it will not work in aMember v4. Added feature requested for arp plugin:
wonder if there is a time frame for the clickbank plugin in v4 to accept recurring payments. of topic btw, Im not able to create a new thread in this forum, it just show me a form to add a title only, but no textfield to insert the message. strange....
Plugin support recurring billing already. I regards to form issue, what browser do you use? Do you get this in all forums ?
a ROBUST integration plug in for Aweber, Mailchimp, etc. like aMail used to be, so members are automatically entered into aweber, and unsubscribed when they quit membership, instead of having to sign up for aweber AFTER signing up for membership. Getting aweber compliance after the membership transaction is concluded is hard...