Amember sign-up form on a second site?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by hilary, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. hilary

    hilary aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 22, 2006
    Hi all,

    I have Amember set up on site a, but I'm collecting subscribers (for a free download) on site b. So ideally, I'd like to display an Amember sign-up form on site b and have people complete the sign-up process there seamlessly, without ever visiting site a.

    For added trickiness: some of these subscribers will be new to me, and others will already have accounts, and I'd like it to be just as seamless for each - creating new account, or adding the product to an existing account.

    Anyone know a way of doing this? Maybe with an include or iframe or something?
  2. relapse

    relapse aMember Pro Customer

    Jun 15, 2010

    I think you are limited to one domain, although I could be wrong about that.

    However, and iframe will be the easiest to do, at least for me it would be.

    Good luck.
  3. hilary

    hilary aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 22, 2006
    Yes, I was thinking iframe. Only question there is what happens after you click 'submit'. The normal Amember post-signup 'thanks' page is not something that would work in an iframe. You can't set an individual thanks page for each form... can you?
  4. relapse

    relapse aMember Pro Customer

    Jun 15, 2010
    Now you are going over my head.

    I am not sure how to answer that, as much as I would like to help. :)
  5. hilary

    hilary aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 22, 2006
    Thanks all the same!

    I've a feeling this may be support ticket material, and probably require custom coding... hope they're not busy...
  6. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    Remote access plugin time?
  7. hilary

    hilary aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 22, 2006
    Remote access plugin, if I'm reading the description right, means I could have Amember installed on site a and a protected directory on site b, but it doesn't say anything about moving the sign-up process to site b. I'm not worried about where they collect their downloads, so long as the sign-up for them is the kind of seamless process people expect.

    There are three issues for me, I think:
    1. Get an Amember sign-up form included on site b
    2. The thanks page after the form is submitted - don't want to redirect people to site
    3. What happens if an existing member of site a tries to sign up for the freebie on site b?
    I can do #1 by creating a new form with its own signup_b.phtml template as part of my site theme, making that small enough to go in an iframe to include on site b. (Or I could probably just copy the code Amember generated for the form, make sure it has all the necessary fields, and paste it into site b with my own styling. I've done that successfully for a signup form on my own site.)

    #2, thanks page... mentions a 'thanks redirect' plugin. I can't find it anywhere, would need to submit a ticket and ask for it. Then the thanks page could be on site b - or something customised to display in the iframe, whichever.

    #3 - this is where I think it'd be beyond me. If someone is a registered user, they still might or might not be logged in. By default if a non-logged-in registered user tries to sign up for something, they get redirected to an ugly full-page signup form with lots of error messages in red type. This, inside or outside an iframe, would be a bit of a disaster.

    If a registered and logged-in user signed up on site b, I'd want them just to have the product added to their account automatically when the system recognised their email address.

    And if a registered but non-logged-in-user signed up on site b, I'd want to show them a little iframe-sized message saying, 'Please log in to access these downloads through your existing account'. Then when they log in, I'd want the sign up to happen right away, so they didn't need to fill out any more forms.

    This part looks like a job for a programmer, don't you think? Besides, maybe they'll have better ideas for #s 1 and 2.

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