Hi there, I am wondering if I need the aMember WP plugin. I intend to use aMember to restrict certain WP material to subscribers only. I don't think I really NEED user databases synnchronising, but I may be wrong. Can anyone tell me exactly what the aMember WordPress plugin actually does apart from allowing a single login for users in the WordPress and aMember databases? Do you need the plugin to allow restriction to certain WordPress 'Blog Posts, 'Blog Categories' and 'Pages' or can this be done with aMember on its own. Also, what user levels are allowed, user groups, is this simply the user levels in WordPress (i.e. author, editor, subscriber etc?). Also, anyone who has used this plugin, or just aMember and WordPress on its own and can show me their site that would be good to see what can be done with these two scripts. Thanks. Regards, David
If you want to allow specific levels access to specific content items, then its needed. You can create about 5 levels, and Ive also figured out a way to allow access to specific content for members of a amember product- in other words not increasing levels. So if a user buys product X they can only get access to product X on the wordpress blog. You can see a demo of an amember integration in my signature. David