Another Mysql Problem

Discussion in 'Installation' started by stevel, Nov 11, 2003.

  1. stevel

    stevel Guest


    I am getting an error "Cannot select database 'amember' (Access denied for user: 'pastevel@localhost' to database 'amember') ". I saw the other posts that tell us to give the user (in my case pastevel) access in cpanel. I don't have cpanel. I have ensim control panel and phpMyAdmin 2.3.2 tool for the database. I'm not good at sql but shouldn't there be a way to enable this user as well?


  2. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    Steve, I would be happy to help, but your hosting support should know exact reply to this question. It is not related with aMember at all and it is different for each hosting.

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