Anyone using Mambo Community Builder?

Discussion in 'Integration' started by BillyParadise, Jun 11, 2005.

  1. Trail

    Trail New Member

    Nov 2, 2005
    Its not your place to figure, its just your job to follow set guidelines by the team and live and work by its rules and spirit.
    Appology accepted, thats why you are re-enabled on CBteam, so you can come and explain the situation to the team.

    Even saying you email RC2 code to anyone is a reason for me to ban you. Part of my job is to make sure everyone adheres to our policy and publicly stating that you shit on our policy would be a reason to ban you too.

    I think its best if you refrain from further tips or comments about my performance before it does get personal and you even loose my private vote.

    (as im now still acting from a team standpoint, and personally would be sad to see you leave.)

    Lastly, i repeat: The CBteamsite is open and awaiting your comments.

  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    I'm Alex Scott, developer of aMember Pro.
    I have account in your CB testteam, and I have access to beta, seek for I just want to confirm that I even did not open files received from Fred, because I already got my account approved in your testteam website and has got access to downloads.

    I understand your rules, but if we take that Fred is a member of CGI-Central developers team, could not he share CB files with other members of the CGI-Central team? I understand formally this is prohibited, but are you sure other development teams will follow this if they all are seating in the same office? It is just an example.
  3. Trail

    Trail New Member

    Nov 2, 2005
    Hi Alex,

    It has all been taken care of ..

    We talked on the cbteamsite and it was a learning experience for the whole team.

    I'm glad its solved.

  4. TUSE

    TUSE New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    Any updates on when it will be intergrated with CB
  5. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Unfortunately, full integration between aMember and Mambo still be impossible even with CB.
    So we decided to don't implement this until aMember3, where we will try to make it working as it should.
  6. TUSE

    TUSE New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    Thanks Alex... Any clue on when Amember3 will be released? I have been using Amember on several sites for years and love it.. But I do need something that will intergrate with CB?
  7. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    It would be my mistake to give any estimates now. I'm sorry for this.
  8. TUSE

    TUSE New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    Thanks Alex
  9. freeman

    freeman New Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    not happy to where this thread went...

    I am new to the whole Joomla-Subscription-PaymentSolution Topic, but definitely NEED a solid, good supported and reliable solution.

    Joomla and CB became my way of choice.
    As J! 1.1 and CB STABLE seem to be released alsomst simultaneously and the both dev teams seem to work together very close, i am pretty sure the combination will be as solid as needed.

    That said, i am very sad to read this thread and saw where it went finally...

    As ALL users of that combination seem to be constantly seeking for the best, most reliable and supported payment solution (no one seems to be really satisfied with his/her current solution or din't decide yet), I think an integration of amember would be a dream come true and safe many webmasters many long nights of troubleshooting.

    This beeing said, i want to point out I am also willing to spend $$ for a solid integration. I saw comments about $ in several other threads and forums, so i even would be willing to bring all those together who can afford to speed up an integration.

    Although i would want to wait that short time for the release of J! 1.1 and CB 1.0 STABLE. That makes sense to me because as J! users and developers know, there will be some significant changes to the J! core, especially when it comes to 3rd party integration.

    Alex said:
    "Unfortunately, full integration between aMember and Mambo still be impossible even with CB.
    So we decided to don't implement this until aMember3, where we will try to make it working as it should.

    So is it complex, VERY complex or really IMPOSSIBLE to integrate at the moment?

    I am very sorry to hear that and just thought the integration might become possible with the new J! framework?!

    @Alex: If you say amember 3 will take an unknown time to be released, i would like to have your short statement on this...?!?

  10. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004

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