Hi, As you can see in picture , The Update Subscription should work when i change date to a newer date. But it didnt work. This is how i added subscription . It works when adding new subscription if it wasnt there previously . Am_Di::getInstance()->hook->add(Am_Event::SUBSCRIPTION_ADDED, 'OnSubscriptionAdded'); This also works if subscription is expired Am_Di::getInstance()->hook->add(Am_Event::SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGED, 'OnSubscriptionChanged'); But when i change subscription date from admin panel of amember it wont recognize Am_Di::getInstance()->hook->add(Am_Event::SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATED, 'OnSubscriptionUpdated'); There is one more thing it works, if i use user frontend to add subscription . So tell me is there any HOOK available on this call Access date changed (expire_date) old value=2014-08-21 new_value=2014-08-30 user_id=26 www.amember.com/docs/API/HookManager
In case of user status is not changed (you just updated expire date but user still active) then these hooks is not triggered.
I want to update this thread for someone who face same task. You can use event Am_Event::ACCESS_AFTER_UPDATE. It is triggered when access record updated. PHP: Am_Di::getInstance()->hook->add(Am_Event::ACCESS_AFTER_UPDATE, function(Am_Event $e) { /** @var Access $access */ $access = $e->getAccess();});