asking additional user info AFTER signup

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by aknetwork, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. aknetwork

    aknetwork Member

    Jul 30, 2010

    I would like to ask for additional information to my subscribers AFTER they signup (after they pay).

    For example: during the signup I only ask for username, pass, name, email.

    After the payment confirmation (that would be like a custom Thank you page) I want to ask for: Telephone, address and Yearly Income.

    I would like to have that extra info in the same amember User Info (not on a separate file or form).

    How can I accomplish this?

  2. ak48avk

    ak48avk Angela Kane

    Aug 9, 2010
    Why not create another (free) product - called thank you (only your current members are allowed to subscribe to it) - create some fields, create a thank you sign up form, add the bricks for your new fields. Invite your members to link to the new form. All the fields will appear on their record. That would work I think.

    In fact, I have been meaning to ask Alex if the £0.00 invoice can be skipped when it is a free signup. Perhaps it could be an option. This is the only drawback to the above suggestion. I too would like to create a questionairre this way but I don't want my members shown a zero invoice with the 'Your subscription has been successfully processed' message.

    You could also sort on the 'thank you' product and find out easily who has added the new information and who you need to email again.
  3. aknetwork

    aknetwork Member

    Jul 30, 2010
    Thank you Angela for the suggestion but that is not the option I want. I don't want to create a free product just for gathering extra info.

  4. ak48avk

    ak48avk Angela Kane

    Aug 9, 2010
    It won't look like a product to your customers. A form is just a form it doesn't have to be a 'sign-up' form. There is a lot you can do to customise these forms with text boxes etc. that changes it into something else. The advantage is that everything that is entered gets on the customer record. That's without resorting to any special coding.

    I'm certainly playing around with the idea myself.
  5. aknetwork

    aknetwork Member

    Jul 30, 2010
    Thank you for the explanation Angela.


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