Recently, we integrate aMember to our vBulletin forum. But everytime the signup page or the login page is run, I got this error: ccBill datalink debug (20060921120616, 20060922120616):,REFUND,EXPIRE,CHARGEBACK&clientAccnum=...... Error: Authentication failed.844 Can someone helps me resolve this problem?
I tried to to run the ccbill_debug.php script and this is the result: IP of your webserver is: SEND TO CCBILL,REFUND,EXPIRE,CHARGEBACK&clientAccnum=...... Error: Too many requests. What will I do?
Something is wrong on ccBill side - submit a ticket to their support regarding this error message. aMember contacts ccBill only once in 24 hours.
Dear Folks, I get the same error as mentioned. I run test transactions w/o any problems. Contacting CC Bill, they said the application was running querys to close to each other (i.e. one call was being done before another one was being completed). Granted it was grave yard shift support. I tested out the link for CCBill_debug and it says: Something is wrong with your cURL So I guess I've got some configuration issues. Regards, jbowshaw