We are considering amember but would like to the know the following: 1. We do not want to give the user the option to choose their own username. We want this to be a defined and uneditable randomly generated unique username in a format such as: abc1def or 3 alpha 1 numeric 3 alpha. Or some other format as long as it is a alpha numeric combination. 2. On the sign-up form can the text for the field attributes be changed? For example, we'd like to have Member ID displayed as opposed to Username.
1. Just enable aMember CP -> Setup : Generate Username = YES 2. Member ID should not be used, it is internal field, and it is generated AFTER signup. However, username will be automatically hidden if you enable generation as described above.
Thanks for the info Alex, but what format are the auto generated names? are they like: 1283922 or sxn3hdy2 or brokenflowerpeanut ???? how many characters? or maybe a couple of examples? Thanks!
Number of characters is configurable: between configured min and max. By default, it tries to create username from email, or from first and last name. If it is impossible, it will create something like "sxn3hdy2". It is VERY easy to configure as YOU need, so it should not be a problem at all.
This is not true, the created user names are not completely random. Right now I am getting some messed up user names: First Name___Last Name___Amember Generated User Name ----------___----------___----------------------------- Michael_____Hodell______nursbonbon Charles_____Rott________yankeereb15 Raymond____Bettley_____BUSYMAN111 Walter P.____Reichle_____bemrclean nursbonbon? be-mr-clean? Its obviously impossible that randomly generated characters could create words like this. Alex, are you using a dictionary of some sort to create these usernames? I will look further into this but in case I didn't mention it before, this is totally unacceptable. Hope to get an answer from you regarding this issue.
No dictionary used at all. Algorithm combines vowel and consonant letters, so word LOOKS LIKE a word.