This seems like a pretty simple question, but I can't figure it out. I customized the email template that automatically emails the customer after they purchase. Everything works, but for some reason the email subject always says [none] when it's delivered to the recipient. I want the email subject to say something like "Welcome to X Website", but no matter what I put in there it always says [none]. Does anyone else have this problem, and does anyone know a solution?
Dumb question, but you are putting your subject in the subject field right? Have you tried just putting plain text ("hello world") to see if it is having problems with a variable you may be using?
Yea, I put some plain, text, like Welcome to X Website!, then I tried this: {$user.name_f}, Welcom to X Website... But, after I put a test order in and I check the email, the subject line says [none]... Are you supposed to insert any quotes or brackets around the subject line text in the email template?
Here is a sample of one of my admin email subjects {$product.title} payment complete - ${$payment.amount}