Best Autoresponder Software

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by Tate, Feb 28, 2004.

  1. Tate

    Tate New Member

    Feb 25, 2004
    I think it's time for an informal poll.. what's the best autoresponder software for those that have a bit of experience in this area? I'd like to integrate with aMember, so my choices are limited. I remember Alex saying in one of the posts that Autoresponder was supported.. but I didn't see that as one of the supported programs in the list of features. I was also looking at ListMail and that looks like a good program. Good customer service is a requirement of mine.. it one of the reasons why i purchased this program and will be important in the decision to by autoresponder software. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
  2. abbeyvet

    abbeyvet New Member

    Feb 2, 2003
    I am using ListMail and I love it.

    To be frank I have rarely needed to call on their support, it just works without any hassle. But Dean has always responded promptly to any queries I have sent.

    It is way, way, way more than an autorepsonder program though, and if that is all you want may well be overkill.
  3. Tate

    Tate New Member

    Feb 25, 2004
    abbeyvet, are you integrating this with aMember? If so, has that worked well for you? At this point, anything would be overkill for me, since I haven't launched my site yet and have no idea how well it will do. However, I want to be ready now and don't want to have to implement and learn an email management system in the middle of trying to run the site itself. I have heard that Autoresponder Plus is the industry standard, but like the fact that ListMail is a one time $100 cost and it seems to have many of the features that Autoresponder Plus has.
  4. abbeyvet

    abbeyvet New Member

    Feb 2, 2003
    Yes, I have it integrated with aMember, which is easy to do with the plug-in and works perfectly.

    I have used AutoresponderPlus in the past also, and ListMail does all that it does, or at least I have never discovered anything it does not do. The fact that it so easily integrated with aMember is a big plus, as it massively increases the power of what it can do.

    ListMail has a very nice clean and easy to use interface, it's a pleasure to use.
  5. Tate

    Tate New Member

    Feb 25, 2004
    great, thanks .. I'm kind of leaning towards ListMail.

    Alex, does aMember have plug in for Autoresponder Plus.. i saw you mentioned it in a post, but didn't see it on the feature list. Also, is a separate mySQL database required for ListMail or can it share one with aMember. thx.
  6. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Yes, we have such a plugin - it costs $40. Please contact support@CGI-Central.Net for purchase.

    It is even better to install these scripts into the same database with aMember (just use tables prefix during installation), it will help to avoid problems on some hostings.
  7. sierraworld

    sierraworld Guest

    mailing based uopn custom fields

    Is is possible to use listmail to mail to a list of subscribers based upon custom fields that were added to aMember.
  8. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    No - it is completely impossible.
  9. somethingelse

    somethingelse New Member

    Jan 13, 2004

    for my purposes, i would love to see a plugin to integrate aMember with the 1AutomationWiz/1ShoppingCart systems...

    between them, it would be a killer package for a complete ecommerce/subscription solution (not including merchant account & gateway).

    1auto/1shoppingcart has great autoresponder system, affiliate program, shopping cart & list management, the only thing it's missing is effective subscription management, which aMember provides beautifully...

    i would buy that plugin in an instant.
  10. rsigcourses

    rsigcourses Member

    Mar 8, 2011

    Just FYI I've reported your post to staff for cookie stuff and I've also notifed your affiliates of your tactics.


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