Best Setup for Offering Both Free and Paid Access

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by sheila_r, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. sheila_r

    sheila_r aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 29, 2006
    I am setting up aMember for use with WordPress and IPB Forums. I will be offering basic free access as well as paid premium access to both software applications. As a result, I foresee the following four types of scenarios:

    1) Free basic access to WordPress and Free basic access to Forums ($0.00 per month)
    2) Paid premium access to Forums w/ Free basic access to WordPress ($4.95 per month)
    3) Paid premium access to WordPress w/ Free basic access to Forums ($8.95 per month)
    4) Paid premium access to WordPress and Paid premium access to Forums ($11.95 per month)

    I am trying to figure out if what I am proposing above makes sense. For example, let's say a user signs up for the first option above (Free basic access to WordPress and Forums). The user later decides to upgrade to Option #2 (Paid premium access to Forums). In order for that user to continue having the free access to WordPress (from Option #1), would he/she need to be subscribed to both Option #1 and Option #2? Or can Option #2 automatically inherit that free basic WordPress membership level from Option #1 and then automatically close out the user's subscription to Option #1.

    Any help or suggestions on how to handle this or suggestions on how I should reconfigure things would be very helpful.

  2. benfitts

    benfitts Member

    Apr 10, 2008
    You can do it the way you suggested.

    As far as Wordpress you basically only have two membership levels in wordpress. Free and Paid. Same for your forums.

    The in the integrations section of aMember you put in the stuff that controls which group in wordpress or IPB they are added to based on the product they purchase.

    I would theorize that you've over complicated your membership levels. My guess is the price point is $20, not $5 or $9 or $12. Meaning that since most people are willing to pay $20 the difference in price between your membership levels is wide enough. Most people would be willing to pay the $11.95 price. So there is no need to offer a $4.95 and $8.95 level. You'd have to test it to be sure, but the price points are usually $10 and $20. If you want to split your memberships why not make it:

    $9.95 for paid premium access to either the forum or blog
    $17.95 for both

    You're still well under the $20 price point and increasing your potential income dramatically probably without affecting signups much at all.
  3. sheila_r

    sheila_r aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 29, 2006
    Hi Benjamin. Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it!

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