Hi Alex, Here is a problem with the send email tool that you should know about. amember is not merging personalized info into the subject line of the message, only the body. I just sent an email to all of our clients, and the subject line looks like this Re: {$user.name_f}, Your AdTool... Embarassing! When do you think you'll have a fix for this? Do you think it also effects the product autoresponders? Thanks! Erik
I'm not sure if it can be named a big problem or a bug. However, it will be fixed in next version of aMember.
I sent a global one out too yesterday and the email I received (since I am the admin), had the proper smarty conversion to my name etc. This was not in the subject line but in the body. Does your body smarties work? Did you receive an email from a customer about this problem or you noticed this in the email you received as the admin? GigaEnvy
I recieved an email for myself (I am in the list), and several from customers... The body area of the message merged just fine. It's just the subject line didn't merge... E