OK, I have been using aMember for about 4 years and have purchased two versions. Also transferred my whole base a few months back from one domain to a new domain. The latest version is excellent. I can certainly testify that the software is robust and I have never had any major issues. I am running a paid membership site for a few thousand folks, using a commercial payment processor plugin (Worldpay). I never go the bank, never go to the Post Office, and the money trickles in while I am sleeping or drinking coffee (don't try both at once!) But just be aware, if you are not a techy nerdy type (and I am 'normal') then you do have to invest a bit of time understanding all the bits and pieces. I would strongly suggest you get Alex to do your first installation. I have persevered and learned a lot, even delving into a little PHP and MySql. Overall, a brilliant piece of software. I love it. My site is at www.idDeals.com cheers, Iain