Can Not Access My CP After Migrating to HostGator - Week Long Issue

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by underwear, May 4, 2012.

  1. underwear

    underwear Member

    Feb 6, 2012
    There was an explanation of the issue in my original forum support post entitled 'Tips for Migrating to Hostgator' which had a very short response saying that, on the aMember end all I needed to do was delete and then reset protection from the CP dashboard.

    After migration was complete, from the HostGator side - I tried to get into the aMember CP and could not then wrote you guys on the original forum post, 'Tips for Migrating to Hostgator'. No response. Then I created a support ticket via helpdesk. And the issue was left in a state of miscommunication, or no communication after asking for our credentials. I checked in to see if there was any response or your response was sent to junk mail and saw that I gave you our billing user/pass not access to our CP and sent that correction to you guys as well. No response, and I'm afraid you're gone for the weekend.

    Please, if there is anybody there - cleaning up emergency issues over the weekend I could really use help getting back into my control panel because, at this point the client that I'm building the site for is very frustrated and my hands are tied because I can't even get into the aMember dashboard.
  2. everbatim

    everbatim aMember Pro Customer

    Dec 19, 2007
    Did you try going into your config.php file to be sure your host settings are correct for the new server? I have a dedicated server with Host Gator running 3 copies of aMember on 3 different sites and I've never had an issue with them. Granted I didn't do a transfer (my transfer to them coincided with a version upgrade so i just redesigned) but in a pinch MAYBE the config.php file might help?
  3. underwear

    underwear Member

    Feb 6, 2012

    Thank you for the tip. It ended up being the htaccess file for aMember, this time but I was poking around the file directory looking for an alternative answer and wasn't sure which file to edit so this is useful information as well.

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