Can only import 9 at a time??

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by 2012funbox, May 15, 2012.

  1. 2012funbox

    2012funbox New Member

    Jan 31, 2012
    We upgraded to the beta so that we could have the bulk delete option. That worked and is great. Thanks!

    Now, I am trying to import our current members. It only takes the top 10 off of the csv list and that is all it will import. Is there a reason for this, or am I doing something wrong?

    I am curious if the beta is not working well with our vbulletin plugin?
  2. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    When I upgraded our site I wanted, at the same time, to make changes to product structure etc and also only transfer those with active subscriptions.

    I exported, from V3 those members who were active on a given date using the inbuilt export function, UserName - Password - Email as a CSV file. I then imported these into V4 again using the inbuilt import function.

    I only really have a single actual product available (but 4 'products' set up in aMember) - digital downloads - so I created the product details required and manually added them to the various users with the respective expiry dates. Yes a bit time consuming but to be honest I couldn't be bothered to write a script to do this part automatically.

    On the whole this process worked quite well and transfered around 1,000 members. For some reason either one or two were not exported correctly or they were non imported right for some unknown reason but the process went well with V4.2.3 importing around the 1,000 members details effortlessly and in one go.
  3. 2012funbox

    2012funbox New Member

    Jan 31, 2012
    I'm going to ask again. When importing members from a csv file, it is only taking the first 9 or 10 off the list and that is it. Is that normal?
  4. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    You asked same question I'll reply with the same answer!

    I exported from V3 around 1000 enteries which I then imported into V4.

    Import entered all but 2 or 3 enteries all in ONE GO so what you are describing is NOT normal in my experience.
  5. 2012funbox

    2012funbox New Member

    Jan 31, 2012
    Oh no, I'm sorry. I wasn't asking you. I was asking in general. I don't think what you did relates to me...or maybe I am not understanding it.

    I have vbulletin 3. I have members on vb3 that I need to import in to our New amember software. When I try to import using the csv file it will only take the top 9 members.

    Does that sound right? Anyone else do it this way?

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