Hello, Went to log into my aMember Admin today and cant seem to access it. All I am seeing on my admin page are the two errors below. Any idea what this may be and how to fix it? Have not made any changes with hosting or made any other changes recently. Thanks! Code: Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /home/protenni/public_html/members/config.inc.php on line 26 Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/protenni/public_html/members/config.inc.php:26) in /home/protenni/public_html/members/common.inc.php on line 1827
Ok I guess my server did just update to PHP 5.3, which was causing the issue. I switched back to PHP 5.2 via my Htacces, for a temporary fix, but guessing I need to upgrade to aMember v4 for a more permanent fix.
Yes correct. aMember v3 was not designed to work under php 5.3 so there can be errors. I recommend to upgrade your installation to v4.