due to things beyond my own control I can not keep my own domainname, so I went ahead and bought me a new domain, since myown expires in december. I decided to work on it today and 'copy' my site to my new domain and so did i with amember BUT it isnt working any longer cause the license key is incorrect. Meaining I can't use amember any longer??? Is there a way to fix it? I tried sending in support requests but can't find them back at all, so i'm 'stuck' I really need amember to work before the 20th of november so my members can get 'used' to my new domainname. However I can not afford to buy a totally new license since I allready spend money on new hosting and domain again. since my old domain will expire I wil lnot have it run on 2 servers or sites....
okay that is fixxed thank you Alex!!! Now the next part: License error - license domain doesn't match your domain On every page I get this error. I run the tester: Testing whether your system has ionCube Loader in php.ini...Failed Testing whether your system has Zend Optimizer in php.ini...OK Testing results: No additional configuration required and aMember will work on your hosting using the following loading method: Zend Optimizer installed Additional information: PHP version 4.3.11 (cgi) OS Linux serv01.siteground14.com #2 SMP Mon Oct 31 04:24:28 CST 2005 i686 safe_mode Disabled enable_dl Enabled extension_dir ./ PHP Extensions zip, xslt, xmlrpc, xml, wddx, swf, sockets, pspell, posix, pgsql, mysql, mhash, mcrypt, mbstring, imap, gettext, gd, ftp, exif, curl, ctype, calendar, bcmath, zlib, openssl, Zend Optimizer CURL binary /usr/bin/curl I updated the zend files for my version: 2.3.3 and then I get another error fatal errror cant read bla bla bla on rconfig Maybe sleep is the answer for me know, coming back tomorrow to see if it magically works or something cause i'm lost!