I have one additional fields. When on sign up page i enable captcha, it shows up before my additional fields. So in this format: Sign Up page: Common Fields Captcha Additional Fields I want to move Captcha all the way down just before the Submit button. Please let me know how to go this. Thanks
signup.html: Either move the captcha code (the if area), or the {$additional_fields_html} code: {if $config.use_captcha_signup && !$smarty.session.amember_captcha_verified} <tr> <th>#_TPL_SIGNUP_CAPTCHA# *<br /> <div class="small">#_TPL_SIGNUP_CAPTCHA_1#</div></th> <td> <img src="{if $smarty.server.HTTPS}{$config.root_surl}{else}{$config.root_url}{/if}/captcha.php?for=signup" width="122" height="62" alt="Verification Image" /> <br /> <input type="text" class="required" name="captcha" maxlength="6" style='width: 119px;' /> </div> </td> </tr> {/if} {$additional_fields_html} David