cc_core and questions about it

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by thared33, May 14, 2010.

  1. thared33

    thared33 Member

    Dec 11, 2009
    I read in a post here that the plugin cc_core is used to process all credit card transactions regardless if you know it or not. If using for example 2co or, the cc_core plugin does the actual processing, correct?

    I visited a website (can't post it here for various reasons) that had amember installed, and it seems their signup page is using the cc_core plugin (that's what it says in the address bar). They don't seem to be using any kind of plugin other than that.... does that mean they've somehow set up processing on their server and they're processing credit cards themselves? Maybe they've got a deal with major credit card companies or something.

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