Hi Alex, I use payflow_pro plugin and would like to keep some billing info even if member cancels recurring billing. So we have this function in cc_core.inc.php: PHP: function clean_cc_info($member){ global $db; $cc_fields = array( '', '-expire', '-hidden', '_code', '_type', '_name_f', '_name_l', '_name', '_phone', '_company', '_housenumber', '_street', '_city', '_state', '_zip','_country', '_issuenum', '_startdate', '_province'); $m = $db->get_user($member['member_id']); foreach ($cc_fields as $f) $m['data']['cc'.$f] = ''; $db->update_user($m['member_id'], $m); } My mods: PHP: function clean_cc_info($member){ global $db; $cc_fields = array( '', '-expire', '-hidden', '_code', '_type', '_name_f', '_name_l', '_name', '_phone', '_company', '_housenumber', '_street', '_city', '_state', '_zip','_country', '_issuenum', '_startdate', '_province'); $m = $db->get_user($member['member_id']); $m['data']['cc-expire'] = ''; $m['data']['cc-hidden'] = ''; $m['data']['cc_code'] = ''; $db->update_user($m['member_id'], $m); } The billing fields I'd like to keep are: -Address -City -State -ZIP -Country -First name -Last Name -CC // (**** **** **** 0000) Are my mods ok? Just want to double-check with the expert
Does this work? Hi bpbp, I'm curious - Have you had success with this mod, with no interruption in recurring billing? I use LinkPoint, so I'm wondering if something like this may work for me too (of course, I'd ask Support before I go ahead with it). Just wondering how you're making out with this mod. Thanks!